Friday, March 18, 2011

Bardon describes three types of mental discipline or meditation.The first one involves by observing what goes on in your mind.Through this exercise, you do not stop or block any thoughts,you merely observe what is <b>"NOW"</b>. Through constant repetition, you will notice that the motion of thoughts begins to slows down. But in reality is that you are adjusting your mind to a lesser muddle level of mental state.You can not easily force this one out, so at this stage, try observing certain thoughts while letting other thoughts through.

Notice other distractions that comes and goes, perhaps that cellphone rings or the sound of peoples' conversations or the loud music from your neighbors porch.These sorts of things can distract your concentration from trying to observe your thoughts. However your response to them is totally within your control.So, you must be adamant in dismissing these distractions and repeating your focus of attention to your objective.This may sound difficult at first, but with constant practice, your ability will improve, and any distractions will be nothing to you.

One more thing, sometimes you will be tempted to pursue the thoughts that arise in your mind. The point here is to separate yourself from involvement with your individual thoughts. You are to be only an OBSERVER and not a participator. Persistence will provide pleasant results

This exercise is a bit tedious but NEVER GIVE UP! This is an important attitude to all the exercises which follow.

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